Moderation Log

Date/Time Moderator Story/Comment/User/Tag/Category, Action, Reason
2022-12-05 17:21 +0800 pipecraft Tag: architecture
Action: Created new tag with id '90', with tag 'architecture', with description '', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with active 'true', with hotness_mod '0.0', with permit_by_new_users 'true', with category_id '11'
2022-12-05 10:44 +0800 pipecraft Story: Building A Virtual Machine inside ChatGPT
Action: changed description from "" to "Comments\r\n\r\n- [Hacker News](\r\n- [Lobsters](\r\n- [r/programming](", changed markeddown_description from "" to "<p>Comments</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href=\"\" rel=\"ugc\">Hacker News</a></li>\n<li><a href=\"\" rel=\"ugc\">Lobsters</a></li>\n<li><a href=\"\" rel=\"ugc\">r/programming</a></li>\n</ul>\n", changed tags from "ai terminal" to "ai terminal hacker-news lobsters reddit"
Reason: Add comments urls
2022-12-02 15:14 +0800 (Users) User HuKing_1022
Action: changed own username from "vipuser_33" to "HuKing_1022"
2022-12-02 11:25 +0800 (Users) User Zhuxb-Clouds
Action: changed own username from "vipuser_32" to "Zhuxb-Clouds"
2022-12-02 09:02 +0800 (Users) User dacapo_day
Action: changed own username from "vipuser_31" to "dacapo_day"
2022-12-01 14:06 +0800 pipecraft Story: 推荐一些我认为认真搞技术的 up 主
Action: changed tags from "programming" to "programming v2ex"
2022-12-01 14:04 +0800 pipecraft Tag: v2ex
Action: Created new tag with id '89', with tag 'v2ex', with description '', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with active 'true', with hotness_mod '0.0', with permit_by_new_users 'true', with category_id '7'
2022-12-01 14:00 +0800 pipecraft Tag: cdn
Action: Created new tag with id '88', with tag 'cdn', with description '', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with active 'true', with hotness_mod '0.0', with permit_by_new_users 'true', with category_id '11'
2022-12-01 10:43 +0800 pipecraft Tag: seo
Action: Created new tag with id '87', with tag 'seo', with description 'SEO', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with active 'true', with hotness_mod '0.0', with permit_by_new_users 'true', with category_id '1'
2022-11-30 11:40 +0800 (Users) User lolioy_DTO
Action: changed own username from "vipuser_29" to "lolioy_DTO"
2022-11-30 11:39 +0800 (Users) User tonyLeung44
Action: changed own username from "vipuser_30" to "tonyLeung44"
2022-11-29 23:33 +0800 pipecraft Tag: guide
Action: Created new tag with id '86', with tag 'guide', with description '使用指南', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with active 'true', with hotness_mod '0.0', with permit_by_new_users 'false', with category_id '8'
2022-11-26 10:56 +0800 (Users) User ericwangzq
Action: changed own username from "vipuser_19" to "ericwangzq"
2022-11-25 10:23 +0800 (Users) User thoxvi_dev
Action: changed own username from "vipuser_21" to "thoxvi_dev"
2022-11-25 09:35 +0800 (Users) User hyperion999
Action: changed own username from "vipuser_15" to "hyperion999"
2022-11-25 06:50 +0800 (Users) User real_jiakai
Action: changed own username from "vipuser_18" to "real_jiakai"
2022-11-24 23:26 +0800 (Users) User jokerlinheng
Action: changed own username from "vipuser_17" to "jokerlinheng"
2022-11-24 21:46 +0800 (Users) User OrkWard_ow
Action: changed own username from "vipuser_12" to "OrkWard_ow"
2022-11-24 20:51 +0800 (Users) User woniuxiacc
Action: changed own username from "vipuser_16" to "woniuxiacc"
2022-11-24 19:46 +0800 (Users) User kylinhou123
Action: changed own username from "vipuser_02" to "kylinhou123"
2022-11-23 23:55 +0800 pipecraft Tag: self-host
Action: Created new tag with id '85', with tag 'self-host', with description '', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with active 'true', with hotness_mod '0.0', with permit_by_new_users 'true', with category_id '1'
2022-11-23 16:47 +0800 pipecraft Tag: clickbait
Action: Updating tag clickbait, changed hotness_mod from '0.0' to '-0.25'
2022-11-23 16:46 +0800 pipecraft Tag: clickbait
Action: Created new tag with id '84', with tag 'clickbait', with description '“标题党”,是对“利用各种夸张的标题吸引眼球,以提高点击率的帖子的总称”', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with active 'true', with hotness_mod '0.0', with permit_by_new_users 'true', with category_id '9'
2022-11-22 11:44 +0800 pipecraft Tag: algorithms
Action: Created new tag with id '83', with tag 'algorithms', with description '', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with active 'true', with hotness_mod '0.0', with permit_by_new_users 'true', with category_id '11'
2022-11-21 15:21 +0800 (Users) User ky-kiske_1
Action: changed own username from "vipuser_11" to "ky-kiske_1"
2022-11-20 23:14 +0800 pipecraft Tag: terminal
Action: Created new tag with id '82', with tag 'terminal', with description '', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with active 'true', with hotness_mod '0.0', with permit_by_new_users 'true', with category_id '4'
2022-11-20 22:50 +0800 pipecraft Tag: vs-code
Action: Created new tag with id '81', with tag 'vs-code', with description '', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with active 'true', with hotness_mod '0.0', with permit_by_new_users 'true', with category_id '4'
2022-11-20 17:14 +0800 (Users) User abcdefghijklmlnp
Action: changed own username from "vipuser_10" to "abcdefghijklmlnp"
2022-11-18 10:21 +0800 (Users) User ptotabothand
Action: changed own username from "vipuser_06" to "ptotabothand"
2022-11-18 10:10 +0800 (Users) User adamwangxx
Action: changed own username from "vipuser_01" to "adamwangxx"
2022-11-18 09:50 +0800 pipecraft Tag: journal
Action: Updating tag journal, changed category_id from '7' to '6'
2022-11-18 09:50 +0800 pipecraft Tag: journal
Action: Created new tag with id '80', with tag 'journal', with description 'Weekly, monthly newsletters', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with active 'true', with hotness_mod '0.0', with permit_by_new_users 'false', with category_id '7'
2022-11-18 00:48 +0800 pipecraft Tag: tools
Action: Created new tag with id '79', with tag 'tools', with description '', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with active 'true', with hotness_mod '0.0', with permit_by_new_users 'true', with category_id '6'
2022-11-17 10:38 +0800 pipecraft Tag: indiehackers
Action: Created new tag with id '78', with tag 'indiehackers', with description 'Indie Hackers -', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with active 'true', with hotness_mod '0.0', with permit_by_new_users 'true', with category_id '7'
2022-11-17 10:33 +0800 pipecraft Tag: side-project
Action: Created new tag with id '77', with tag 'side-project', with description 'Side Project, 副业', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with active 'true', with hotness_mod '0.0', with permit_by_new_users 'true', with category_id '1'
2022-11-13 10:15 +0800 pipecraft Tag: github
Action: Created new tag with id '76', with tag 'github', with description '', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with active 'true', with hotness_mod '0.0', with permit_by_new_users 'true', with category_id '4'
2022-11-13 10:15 +0800 pipecraft Tag: git
Action: Created new tag with id '75', with tag 'git', with description '', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with active 'true', with hotness_mod '0.0', with permit_by_new_users 'true', with category_id '4'
2022-11-13 10:13 +0800 pipecraft Tag: design-patterns
Action: Created new tag with id '74', with tag 'design-patterns', with description '', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with active 'true', with hotness_mod '0.0', with permit_by_new_users 'true', with category_id '11'
2022-11-13 10:11 +0800 pipecraft Tag: tailwindcss
Action: Created new tag with id '73', with tag 'tailwindcss', with description 'Tailwind CSS - Rapidly build modern websites without ever leaving your HTML.', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with active 'true', with hotness_mod '0.0', with permit_by_new_users 'true', with category_id '11'
2022-11-13 10:08 +0800 pipecraft Tag: typescript
Action: Created new tag with id '72', with tag 'typescript', with description '', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with active 'true', with hotness_mod '0.0', with permit_by_new_users 'true', with category_id '11'
2022-11-13 10:08 +0800 pipecraft Tag: angular
Action: Created new tag with id '71', with tag 'angular', with description '', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with active 'true', with hotness_mod '0.0', with permit_by_new_users 'true', with category_id '11'
2022-11-13 10:08 +0800 pipecraft Tag: vue
Action: Created new tag with id '70', with tag 'vue', with description 'Vue.js', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with active 'true', with hotness_mod '0.0', with permit_by_new_users 'true', with category_id '11'
2022-11-13 10:07 +0800 pipecraft Tag: react
Action: Created new tag with id '69', with tag 'react', with description '', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with active 'true', with hotness_mod '0.0', with permit_by_new_users 'true', with category_id '11'
2022-11-13 10:07 +0800 pipecraft Category: keywords
Action: Created new category with id '11', with category 'keywords', with created_at '2022-11-13 10:07:17 +0800', with updated_at '2022-11-13 10:07:17 +0800'
2022-11-13 09:48 +0800 pipecraft Tag: regex
Action: Created new tag with id '68', with tag 'regex', with description 'Regular Expressions', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with active 'true', with hotness_mod '0.0', with permit_by_new_users 'true', with category_id '1'
2022-11-13 09:22 +0800 pipecraft Tag: indie
Action: Created new tag with id '67', with tag 'indie', with description 'Indie developers, indie hackers', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with active 'true', with hotness_mod '0.0', with permit_by_new_users 'true', with category_id '1'
2022-11-13 09:19 +0800 pipecraft Tag: extensions
Action: Created new tag with id '66', with tag 'extensions', with description 'Extensions, Add-ons, Plugins, UserScripts', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with active 'true', with hotness_mod '0.0', with permit_by_new_users 'true', with category_id '1'
2022-11-13 09:16 +0800 pipecraft Tag: miniapp
Action: Created new tag with id '65', with tag 'miniapp', with description '小程序开发', with privileged 'false', with is_media 'false', with active 'true', with hotness_mod '0.0', with permit_by_new_users 'true', with category_id '1'
2022-11-11 23:20 +0800 pipecraft Tag: show
Action: Updating tag show, changed permit_by_new_users from 'true' to 'false'
2022-11-11 23:20 +0800 pipecraft Tag: ask
Action: Updating tag ask, changed permit_by_new_users from 'true' to 'false'